September 7, 2023
1:30 pm to 3 pm
Video Conference Call via zoom
Meeting ID: 848 2545 6307
Passcode: 090445
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,84825456307# US (New York)
+12532158782,,84825456307# US (Tacoma)
Mark Paulson, Anthony Venti Realtors. and Ken Lee, Pacific Plaza Premier
1. Welcome & Introductions - Mark Paulson and Ken Lee
2. Chamber Updates
a. AMP Power Hour (9/13/23)
b. Alhambra A La Mode (9/19/23)
c. Alhambra Connects (9/27/23)
3. City’s Business & Development Update - Tiffany Chew
4. Alhambra Zoning Code Update - Wing Ho
5. Discussion Items:
a. Dollar Tree Presentation - 69 E. Main Street (the former Rite Aid)
b. Downtown Activations
6. Next Meeting - October 5, 2023 at 1:30pm
The Alhambra Chamber’s Land Use and Economic Development Committee advocates for permitting, zoning, and economic development policies that support the economic growth of the City. The committee examines issues related to housing, zoning, business attraction and retention, transportation, and planning. The committee also serves as the Chamber’s Commercial Brokers/Developers Roundtable to address the challenges of property development and business attraction, including filling vacancies. Alhambra Businesses are invited to bring issues that need support or resolution to this committee.